Solutech Environmental Consultants Due Diligence service offerings reflect our continued commitment to managing our client’s complex environmental challenges during the transfer or development of real estate. By properly investigating, identifying, reporting and remedying current or potential adverse environmental impacts, possible financial and reputable liabilities can be reduced to all stakeholders. This includes protecting the health & safety of the public.
Transaction Screening Assessment
Solutech’s Environmental Transaction Screens (ETS) are a voluntary procedure intended to identify Potential Environmental Concerns (PECs) for commercial real estate. They are meant to be a screening tool for those who wish to conduct limited environmental due diligence, and usually only recommended for low risk property types with available historical information.
An ETS is sometimes used as an alternative to Phase 1 Environment Site Assessments (ESA), which are a more extensive method of environmental due diligence.
An ETS only requires a limited scope of work, which includes a site visit, review of environmental databases, completion of an environmental questionnaire by the owner or occupant and consultant doing the transaction screen, and review of limited historical sources. Historical use must be determined back to 1940 or first development using at least one of the following sources: Sanborn maps, city directories or aerial photographs.
The ETS process may be conducted either by the user or potential user of the property, whereas a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment must be conducted by an environmental professional, as defined by 40 CFR 312.10(b) (Standards for Conducting All Appropriate Inquiries or AAI). Solutech EnvironmentalConsultants ETS reports are compliant with the most current ASTM E1528 standard.
Users who complete transaction screens do not qualify for Landowner Liability Protections (LLPs) under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). Anyone seeking these protections should complete a Phase 1 ESA.
Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment
Solutech Environmental Consultants complete Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) in accordance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI), 40 CFR Part 312} and guidelines established by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) in the Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Process/Designation E 1527-05/13 (ASTM Standard Practice E 1527-05/13): Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, for real estate transactions, property development, bank financing, refinancing and foreclosures, and other in-house proactive audit programs.
The intent of a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment is to assemble sufficient information to form an independent professional opinion about the environmental condition of the property and to identify actual or potential environmental contamination, which may impact the property value.
Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments should be an essential step in acquiring commercial or industrial property, but there are many questions stakeholders have about Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments. Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments are the introductory phase of investigating if there is a potential for environmental risk or contamination on a property that would affect its value and if additional investigation and testing is warranted.
Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment
Solutech Environmental Consultants professional team are experts in designing and completing Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment Process, State and Federal requirements and customized to meet client needs and budgets. We have completed thousands of Phase 2 ESAs at all types of sites and geologic settings and tested for variety of contaminants.
Prior to implementing a Phase 2 ESA Solutech Environmental Consultants commits to understanding the goals of the client. The scope of work is designed to meet the scrutiny of the various parties involved including lenders, regulators, attorneys and peers.
In safe hands from start to finish
Tel: 561-688-2904